Thursday, November 20, 2008


Hey All,

I had a chance to meet with Matt and family this week and we have begun the process of setting up a formal foundation. Right now we are just in the beginning research phase, gathering all the information that we are gonna need to do this thing and do it right. We promise to keep you updated.

In the meantime, please feel free to donate to the charity listed on the right. It's one that Matt has chosen to help so if you can find it in your budget to donate a little bit it would be much appreciated. Thanks Matt for bringing this awesome charity to our attention!

More updates to come...thanks for all you do.


Monday, November 3, 2008


Just wanted to let you know that plans are in the works now to create a memorial/foundation in Liz's name. Also, more fundraising events are in the works. Nothing specific to report right now, but just wanted to let you all know we haven't stopped in our efforts to help Matt, Madeline, and other widows/widowers. I will update with more information as we have it. Thanks for all you do.
